“Junior Historians”

December 14, 2024 @ 11:00 am – 11:30 am
ND Heritage Center
Capitol grounds

Children entering kindergarten through fifth grade this fall are invited to the free 30-minute interactive learning series “Junior Historians” at the North Dakota Heritage Center & State Museum in Bismarck. Children and their accompanying adult(s) are asked to meet at the west entrance information desk.  The goal of the “Junior Historians” program is to cultivate an interest and passion for North Dakota’s history through stories, fun activities and discussions.

Dec. 7 Hibernation, 11 a.m. Some animals hibernate while others migrate. Investigate the difference between the two and build your own hibernation shelter to stay cozy in the winter.

Dec. 11 Hibernation, 4 p.m.  Some animals hibernate while others migrate. Investigate the difference between the two and build your own hibernation shelter to stay cozy in the winter.

Dec. 14 Winter Solstice, 11 a.m. Celebrate the shortest day of sunlight! Learn about the winter solstice, then rebuild Stonehenge and discover its connection to the solstice.

Dec. 18 Winter Solstice, 4 p.m. Celebrate the shortest day of sunlight! Learn about the winter solstice, then rebuild Stonehenge and discover its connection to the solstice.

Dec. 28 Candy Canes, 11 a.m. Dec. 26 is National Candy Cane Day. Celebrate with us and learn about candy cane coding.

For more information, contact Education and Engagement Manager Laura Forde, shsprograms@nd.gov or 701.328.2792. The ND Heritage Center & State Museum is open Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday-Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Find upcoming State Historical Society of North Dakota events at history.nd.gov/events.